Contact Software NZ Limited Apps

iTT Performance 2.4.13
iTT Performance permite verificar tiempos,movimientos y desempeño del personal que acuda a diferentes centrosde trabajo. Somos la única plataforma en el mercado que combina lavalidación de la persona por medio de biometría además de reflejarel desempeño mediante dispositivos móviles o tablets.Participamos con las principales cadenas de autoservicio en Mexico:Chedraui, Comercial Mexicana, Casa ley, Calimax, Smart, SuperMercados Santa Fé, Super San Francisco de Asís, Mercados Zaragoza yMerco en mas de 1000 puntos de control.Aumentamos la productividad de los recursos con un controlseguro, eficiente y veraz con una herramienta poderosa de bajocosto, teniendo 100% certeza del tiempo laborado, autenticación dela persona, desempeño con matriz de indicadores, ruteo de centrosde trabajo así como reportes en línea.Para que es usado:o Evaluación de desempeño: Retroalimentación de las actividades delpersonalo Estadísticas: Inventario, mermas, productos en el anaquel.o Investigación de mercados: entrevistas persona a persona.o Inspección: Retroalimentación de clienteso Mystery shopper: Capturar datos de mercadeo.Características :o Adaptable: Personalización de las encuestas.o Preguntas: Encuestas diseñadas para cualquier tipo depreguntas.o Todos los dispositivos: Herramienta optimizada para trabajar enipads, iphone, ipod toucho Carga automática: Los resultados se cargan automáticamenteo GPS: Las coordenadas GPS se pueden descargar en formato dearchivo CSV o mapas en línea.Performance iTT verifiestimes, movements and caring staff that go to different workcenters. We are the only platform on the market that combines thevalidation of the person by means of biometrics and reflectperformance through mobile devices or tablets.We participate with the major supermarket chains in Mexico:Chedraui, Comercial Mexicana, Bed law, Calimax, Smart, SuperMarkets Santa Fe Super San Francisco de Asis, Markets and MercoZaragoza in over 1000 control points.Increase the productivity of resources with a secure, efficientand accurate control with a powerful low-cost tool, taking 100%certainty of time worked, authentication of the person, withperformance indicators matrix, routing workplaces and reportsline.Is used to:or Performance Evaluation: Feedback from staff activitiesor Stats: inventory, shortages, products on the shelf.Research and Markets: person to person interviews.or Inspection: Customer Feedbackor Mystery shopper: Capture data marketing.Features:or Adaptive Personalization surveys.or Questions: Surveys designed for any kind of questions.or All Devices: Tools optimized to work on ipad, iphone, ipodtouchAutoload or results are automatically loadedor GPS: GPS coordinates can be downloaded as a CSV file or onlinemaps.
IES 2.5.6
IES is a specialist project management andconsulting business working in the Energy, M&E and Fire &Security industries. This is a dedicated application for our teamof field engineers and auditors.
D4Action 2.7.3
Data for Action (D4Action) is an extremelyflexible survey tool aimed at helping to achieve equitableimmunization coverage in all countries. When you have registeredwith D4Action by downloading the app and contacting theAdministrator we can provide standard survey questionnaires forHealth Facility Assessments, EVM (Effective Vaccine Management)assessment, Cold Chain Inventory, iSCM (integrated Supply ChainManagement) and more…The D4Action app can be used even where there is no internetconnectivity. The data is captured and securely stored on theAndroid device until a network connection is available at whichpoint it is uploaded to the Data4Action database where theData4Action tool will create and provide you a raw data set (eitherexcel or SPSS) and basic descriptive analysis for your use.The surveys can be of any size from very large to very smalldepending on your need to improve the Cold Chain and EVMprocesses.The survey tools can be modified for your specificrequirements. Personal support will be available from theexperienced Data4Action team for any of your surveys which have aspecial focus on immunization.
Survey People 2.5.5
Welcome to Survey People. We offer youthechance to become one of our agents, and offer your clientstheopportunity to take part in various surveys. Primarily, we wanttoknow about the UKs habits and how those habits are reflectedinyour clients lifestyle. Their opinion is valued, so once theyhavetaken one of our surveys, we can offer them the opportunity totakepart in additional surveys where they can get more rewardsfortaking part.All we ask is for you to ask them to complete a surveywhichshould take no more than 5 mins of your time. Once the surveyisverified, you can earn moneyBenefits for you as an agent include;• vouchers for your clients and monthly prize draws – helpingyougain their attention• great cross selling opportunity in your normal day to day joboractivities• you earn money for every verified survey• you can become a team leader and earn money from agents inyourteamDownload the app now and join our network of agents!
Feedback Services 2.7.3
Feedback Services - Zegt u ook wel eens:“Hadik dat maar geweten, dan ...!”Verbeter uw innovatie en slagkracht. Voorkom onnodig falen enleersneller dan uw omgeving! Versterk uw kwaliteit en verhooguwmotivatie door feedback te ontvangen over u, uw medewerkersen/ofuw dienstverlening.Uw klanten en/of uw medewerkers leveren deze feedback; 24 uurperdag en overal. Het leveren van feedback kan snel, eenvoudigengemakkelijk. Dit kan door de “Feedback Services” App.Meet op individueel en/of organisatie(onderdeel)niveauuwdienstverlening.Ontvang uw rapportages voor uw werknemer(s) en uworganisatie-onderdeel zodat zij blijven leren, ontwikkelen encreëren op basisvan de geleverde (persoonlijke) feedback.Ontwikkel uw dienstverlening door de innovatieve kennis vanuwklanten naar u toe te trekken.Ontvang niet alleen, maar deel informatie met of toets ideeën bijuwklanten. Voorkom daarmee hoge uitgaven en test op goedkope wijzeuwvernieuwende ideeën over uw dienstverlening!Laat signaleringen door uw klant doen.Via worden devragenlijstenopgesteld voor deze software en service app.Verschillende typevragenlijsten en onderzoeken kunnen nu snel encontinu wordengehouden bijvoorbeeld een klant-ofmedewerkerstevredenheidsonderzoek, Net Promotor Score,polls,checklists, signaleringsmeldingen, mysteryguests of een dooruopgezette vragenlijst.Enkele features van deze app:- Ongelimiteerd aantal gebruikers die deze app mogen downloaden,ubetaalt per ingevulde vragenlijst, niet per gedownloaddeapp.- Op alle devices werkt de app, te weten Apple (Ipad, Iphone&Ipod) en Android devices (tablets en telefoons)- Eén of meerdere vragenlijsten aanbieden via deze app- Offline, dus overal en altijd uw vragen beantwoord krijgen.Usynchroniseert uw gecollecteerde data wanneer u weeronlinebent.- Vragenlijsten opgesteld in uw look & feel, indien gewenstinverschillende talen (Engels, Frans, Duits, Spaans,Chinees,Nederlands, etc.), waarbij u vele verschillende typeinformatiekunt collecteren, via open & gesloten vragen;locatiebepaling;foto’s; tijd; handtekening, etc.- Hot answers functionaliteit: bij bepaalde antwoorden directeenmail naar een van te voren ingesteld mailadres. Erg handigwanneeru bijvoorbeeld berichten over incidenten direct wenstteontvangen.- Kiosk mode: Wanneer u dezelfde enquête onder grotegroepenafneemt, bijvoorbeeld bij conferenties, is het handig datdevragenlijst na de afronding terugkeert naar de eerste vraag voordevolgende geënquêteerde.- Veiligheid: bij het verlies van een tablet of telefoon, kandegecollecteerde data niet ingezien worden; 99%+ beschikbaarheidvande app in afgelopen 5 jaar; elke 5 minuten een back up.- Dynamische dashboards worden in overleg opgesteld die realtimedegecollecteerde informatie weergeeft op uw desktop, tablet ofzelfstelefoon. Voor meer info zie blijvend in control (plan - do - check - act).Wenst u meer informatie, neem dan contact succes met het verbeteren van uw dienstverleningFeedback Services - Doyousay sometimes: "Had I only known then ..."Improve your innovation and effectiveness. Avoidunnecessaryfailures and learn faster than your surroundings!Strengthen yourquality and increase your motivation to receivefeedback about you,your employees and / or your services.Your customers and / or your employees provide this feedback;24hours a day, anywhere. Providing feedback can quickly, easilyandconveniently. This can be done by the "FeedbackServices'App.Meet at individual and / or organization (component) levelyourservices.Get your reports for your employee (s) and your organizationalunitsso that they continue to learn, develop and create on thebasis ofthe delivered (personal) feedback.Develop your services through the innovative knowledge ofyourclients to you pulling.Receive not alone, but share information and key ideas toyourcustomers. thereby avoid overspending and cheaply testyourinnovative ideas about your service!Let alerts do by your through the questionnaires willbecompiled for this software and service app. Different typesofquestionnaires and surveys can now be quickly andcontinuouslymaintained for example, a customer or employeesatisfaction, NetPromoter Score, polls, checklists, signalingmessages, mysteryguests or you set up questionnaire.Some features of this app:- Unlimited number of users may download this app, you paypercompleted questionnaire, not downloaded app.- On all devices, the app works, namely Apple (iPad, iPhone&iPod) and Android devices (tablets and phones)- One or more questionnaires offer through this app- Offline, so getting anywhere, anytime your questions answered.Yousynchronize your collected data when you are online.- Questionnaires prepared in your look and feel, if desiredinseveral languages ​​(English, French, German, Spanish,Chinese,Dutch, etc.) where you can collect many different typesofinformation through open and closed questions;localization;pictures; time; signature, etc.- Hot answers functionality: certain answers directly an email toapre-set address. Very useful when, for example reports ofincidentswish to receive directly.- Kiosk mode: When you purchase the same survey of large groups,forexample at conferences, it is convenient that thequestionnaireafter completion returns to the first question for thenextrespondent.- Safety: the loss of a tablet or phone, the collected data cannotbe seen; 99% + availability of the app in past 5 years; every5minutes back up.- Dynamic dashboards are developed in consultation realtimeThecollected information displays on your desktop, tablet orphone.For more information see in control (plan - do - check - act).For more information, please luck with improving your service
Data4Action 2.8.20
Data for Action (Data4Action) is an extremely flexible surveytoolaimed at helping to achieve equitable immunization coverage inallcountries. This tool is limited to use within the fieldofimmunization to ensure quality support. This survey tool willallowyou to conduct any survey in the field of immunizationwhichincludes health facility readiness assessment forOperationaldeployment planning, Cold chain inventory, Vaccineintroductionevaluation surveys, EPI coverage surveys etc.Data4Action will alsohelp in monitoring of the installation of newcold chain equipment,supervision of cold chain facilities and more…Please if you are interested in usingData4Actionfor any assessment in immunization. The D4Action app canbe usedeven where there is no internet connectivity. The data iscapturedand securely stored on the Android device until anetworkconnection is available at which point it can be uploaded totheData4Action database. The uploaded data can then be downloadedas araw data set (either excel or SPSS) and basic descriptiveanalysisfor your use. The surveys can be of any size from verylarge tovery small depending on your need to improve the Cold Chainand EVMprocesses. The survey tools can be modified for yourspecificrequirements. Personal support will be available fromtheexperienced Data4Action team for any of your surveys which haveaspecial focus on immunization.
2HOT2COLD 2.7.38
Used for reporting unusually hot or cold temperature on commercialairplanes.
Sales advisor app for order entry and healthcare questionnaire
DA Field App 2.7.34
Delivery Associate’s app for tracking and logging school visits
droid Survey Offline Forms 2.11.3
droid SURVEY is an offline market research survey app for interceptsurveys.
Vignettes - Cambodia 2.11.6
This app is for the Cambodian Health Services Only download forthatpurpose.
Check-In Emocional CLA 2.12.0
Check-In Emocional CLA for assessing how you feel